Thursday 4 November 2010

Advertising and the creative economy

At my speech to OxAdSoc two nights ago I used IPA Effectiveness 2010 Gold award winner O2 as my stimulus for showing advertising's interplay with other creative sectors. In fact, there have been four effectiveness award wins for O2's agencies over the year's. Here's what they show:

Design agency Lambie-Nairn helped create the brand's iconography. Relating O2 to its chemical symbol (oxygen) they used the colour blue, bubbles and natural space to communicate a feeling of clarity, fresh air, calmness and serenity around the brand: in contrast to the frenetic world around mobile phones. A fundamental part of the value O2 now commands resides in the O2 brand. It's a key asset to the company, and significantly enhances its value to shareholders.

Advertising agency VCCP took this concept through the line to communicate a complementary user experience - O2 as the facilitator and enabler of enhanced social interaction; to work in both the long and short term; using film photography, production and post-production houses to make it happen. Increasing average revenue per user (ARPU) by stimulating adoption of non-voice devices, in the process.

Programme maker Endemol, with television channel Channel 4, created a format which helped O2 extend the brand's product and service experience. Through sponsorship of reality shows Celebrity Big Brother 2 and Big Brothers 3 and 4, O2 was able to integrate games, text alerts and a text chat room, into their package and help fund show production.

The music industry has also benefited from its association with O2. In transforming the failed Millenium Dome into the world's best live music venue, IPA agencies Zenith Optimedia, VCCP, pd3, and Archibald Ingall Stretton not only helped take the brand beyond advertising to enhance the customer experience even further: through priority tickets, fast track entry, special offers, access to exclusive zones; they also established a flagship live venue for UK and international music talent to recover lost revenue from falling record sales.

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